

Legal information

Registered office

Oliver Benson BV
Oktrooiplein 1, 9000 GHENT

VAT Number


Contact info

+32 (0)9 274 06 18

Responsible courts & jurisdictions

Only the courts in the judicial district of Ghent (RPR
Gent) shall have jurisdiction.

Use of the website


Oliver Benson BV can never be held responsible for
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is not responsible for content on external websites that link to this website.

Intellectual property

All texts, layouts, photos, logos and elements of any
kind on this website are the protected intellectual property of Oliver Benson
BV. The publication and communication of texts, layouts, photos, logos and
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making texts publicly available, unless there is written permission from Oliver
Benson BV.

Privacy Policy

You will find our Privacy Policy here.

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