Oliver Benson is a Belgian Project Staffing Specialist specialising in IT.
We build strong, high-quality relationships with clients and specialist IT consultants and connect these in a targeted and highly qualitative manner.
Today we have become the trusted project partner for Software, Data, Infrastructure and ERP of many leading companies in Belgium.
Active in the following sectors
Banking & insurance
Industrial & Manufacturing
Retail & Consumer Goods
Transportation & Logistics
Energy & Natural Resources
Media, Communications & Entertainment
Government & Public Institutions
Health & Life Sciences
Our mission
Our mission is to take our clients’ IT solutions to the next level and make them bear fruit faster.
We do this by connecting our clients and specialists in the most efficient, effective way, whereby we build on strong, durable and professional relationships.
successfully implemented IT projects
active IT consultants currently working on projects
Market Position we aim for
Our vision
Oliver Benson aspires to be recognised as the go-to partner for senior IT expertise in Belgium.
In order to achieve that goal, we do all we can to create the best environment for talented, experienced and driven people.
The Oliver Benson DNA
Excellence we strive for the best
We maintain the highest professional standards, make every effort to significantly improve our clients’ performance, and create an unparalleled environment for talented people.
Respect everyone counts
We work in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. We treat everyone in a decent, friendly and honest way. We share what we know and grow together.
Passion we love what we do
We are passionate about our field. Carrying out our professional activity gives us more energy than it costs us.
Entrepreneurship we make things happen
There’s no such thing as can’t. We move forwards.
Integrity we think ahead
We always work ethically and correctly.
We do not compromise on our values and norms; our reputation is sacred.