
Privacy Policy


Oliver Benson is fully GDPR compliant, so your data is safe.


Oliver Benson BV and its affiliated advisors, hereinafter referred to as Oliver Benson, take your privacy very seriously and will process and use information about you (the individual concerned) in a safe way.


In this Privacy Policy, we explain which data we process and for what purpose we do this. In addition, this Privacy Policy outlines your rights as regards the processing of personal data in the European Union. 


For questions, you can always contact or one of our Business Managers.

What is Oliver Benson?

Oliver Benson is a Belgian Project Staffing Company specialising in IT.

Oliver Benson operates under company number BE0704.979.172 with its registered office at Oktrooiplein 1, 9000 GHENT. 

In the event of disputes, only the courts in the judicial district of Ghent (RPR Gent) shall have jurisdiction.

How does Oliver Benson process your data?

We collect specific information about you, the candidate. We do this because we want to be able to approach you as optimally as possible with truly relevant projects.

Below you will find an overview of the purposes for which we process personal data about you. This also indicates which data we use for that specific purpose and how long data is stored by us.

Your data is never shared with third parties.

Service provision


Matching the client to the candidate and approaching candidates; we use your data with the aim of approaching you in as targeted a manner as possible with relevant career/project opportunities. We also use this information to monitor your potential recruitment process via email and/or telephone.


Name, address and place of residence details, your contact details, the personal data you provide through your CV. We can also process data that we can view on your LinkedIn page or on Google. Regarding the LinkedIn page, however, this is limited to the information that you have publicly posted on the relevant page.

We also keep email correspondence and notes of conversations so that we are, and can remain, as up to date as possible on your developments and wishes.

Storage period

The data is stored for a maximum period of 2 years in the mailboxes of the recipients chosen by the candidate, in Google Excel sheets, Digital Writing Tablets and our CRM system (Bullhorn).

Your rights

Under the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you have a number of rights regarding your data and its processing:


To view your personal data, you can request access via


If you would like to make changes to the personal data that you have seen in response to an access request, you can ask us to do this. You can request that we modify, correct, delete or restrict your data.

Restriction on processing

In addition, under certain conditions, you have the right to request a restriction on the processing of your personal data by us. This means that we will only collect and store the personal data you specify.

Lodging an objection

If a certain processing is based on the “legitimate interest” of Oliver Benson or a third party, you have the right to object to that processing.

Data transfer

You have the right to obtain the personal data stored by us. We will provide this in a structured and commonly used format, which can be easily opened in other common digital systems. This also allows you to transfer your data to another provider.

If you wish to receive your personal data, or wish to transfer it or have it transferred to a third organisation, you can contact us in writing at the above postal address or by sending an email to

Hereby, please indicate what you wish to happen to your personal data. We will endeavour to send you a notification within 24 hours of receipt of your request and will indicate how, in what way, and within what period we will comply with this request. You can also submit a request for the above points in this way.

Withdrawing permission

You have the right to withdraw permission to process your data. This has no consequences for the past, but it does mean that we are no longer allowed to process that data. It is possible that Oliver Benson may consequently be unable to provide you with certain services.

If you indicate that you no longer wish your personal data to be stored by us, we will endeavour to delete this data within 24 hours and notify you when your data has been deleted.

Response by Oliver Benson

We will comply with your request as soon as possible and in any case no later than one (1) month after we have received such a request.

Sharing of personal data with third parties

Your data will never be shared with third parties.


What are cookies and what does Oliver Benson use them for?

Cookies are small pieces of (textual) information that are sent to your browser when you visit the Oliver Benson website and are subsequently stored in the hard drive or memory of your computer, tablet, mobile phone or other device (hereinafter referred to as “Device”).

The cookies placed through Oliver Benson’s website cannot damage your Device or the files stored on it. When we refer to ‘cookies’, we not only mean these small pieces of (textual) information, but also similar techniques used to collect information, such as device fingerprinting.

By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies. 

Can this Privacy Policy be modified?

This Privacy Policy can be modified. We therefore advise you to read it regularly for any changes.

To where can you address questions and complaints?


Should you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and how we use your data, you can send an email to

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